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Thursday, 30 November 2023


Nerium oleander, most commonly known as oleander, is a shrub or small tree in the dogbane family Apocynaceae, cultivated worldwide in temperate and subtropical areas as an ornamental and landscaping plant. It is the only species currently classified in the genus Nerium. It is so widely cultivated that no precise region of origin has been identified, though it is usually associated with the Mediterranean Basin.

Nerium grows to 2–6 m tall. It is most commonly grown in its natural shrub form, but can be trained into a small tree with a single trunk. It is tolerant to both drought and inundation, but not to prolonged frost. White, pink or red five-lobed flowers grow in clusters year-round, peaking during the summer. The fruit is a long narrow pair of follicles, which splits open at maturity to release numerous downy seeds.

Several compounds in nerium exhibit toxicity, and it has historically been considered a poisonous plant. However, its bitterness renders it unpalatable to humans and most animals, so poisoning cases are rare and the general risk for human mortality is low. Ingestion of larger amounts may cause nausea, vomiting, excess salivation, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea and irregular heart rhythm. Prolonged contact with sap may cause skin irritation, eye inflammation and dermatitis.

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Thursday, 23 November 2023


Aloe greatheadii is in the sub-grouping of aloes called 'spotted aloes' and currently includes a number of synonymous species previously recognized in their own right such as Aloe daveyana, Aloe verdoorniae, Aloe mutans, Aloe graciliflora and Aloe barbertoniae. Opinions differ on the specific status of many aloes, so this should not be taken as a definitive determination.

There are two variants listed in the Plants of Southern Africa checklist, A. daveyana and A. greatheadii, but whether even this is a legitimate separation is open to question. The Guide to the Aloes of South Africa gives Zimbabwe as the main center of distribution for var. greatheadii, ranging also into Zambia, Malawi, Botswana, Mozambique and Congo, and entering South Africa in the Northern Province, whereas var. daveyana is limited to South Africa but inhabits a greater range there. 

Common names include spotted aloe in English, and transvaalaalwyn, kleinaalwyn or grasaalwyn in Afrikaans. The PlantzAfrica website says that it is "a drab and uninteresting plant, but when it flowers in winter, it is spectacular." This is a stemless species with shiny green leaves marked by oblong white spots arranged in rows and leaf margins with sharp brownish teeth. The flowering stems are typically branched and the inflorescences contains flowers that range from pale pink to bright red, blooming June to July. Its leaf sap can be used to treat burns, sores or wounds.

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Thursday, 16 November 2023


Kiwifruit (often shortened to kiwi in North American, British and continental European English) or Chinese gooseberry is the edible berry of several species of woody vines in the genus Actinidia. The most common cultivar group of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa 'Hayward') is oval, about the size of a large hen's egg: 5–8 centimetres in length and 4.5–5.5 cm in diameter. It has a thin, fuzzy, fibrous, tart but edible light brown skin and light green or golden flesh with rows of tiny, black, edible seeds. The fruit has a soft texture with a sweet and unique flavour.

Kiwifruit is native to central and eastern China. The first recorded description of the kiwifruit dates to the 12th century during the Song dynasty. In the early 20th century, cultivation of kiwifruit spread from China to New Zealand, where the first commercial plantings occurred. The fruit became popular with British and American servicemen stationed in New Zealand during World War II, and later became commonly exported, first to Great Britain and then to California in the 1960s.

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Thursday, 9 November 2023


Lobelia erinus (Edging Lobelia, Garden Lobelia or Trailing Lobelia) is a species of Lobelia native to southern Africa, from Malawi and Namibia south to South Africa.

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Thursday, 2 November 2023


Disocactus is a genus of epiphytic cacti in the tribe Hylocereeae found in Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America. It should not be confused with Discocactus, which is a different genus. Species of Disocactus grow in tropical regions either on trees as epiphytes or on rocks as lithophytes.

They have two distinct growth habits. Species such as D. phyllanthoides have stems which are round at the base but then become flattened and leaflike. Many of the cultivated plants known as epiphyllum hybrids or just epiphyllums are derived from crosses between species of Disocactus (rather than Epiphyllum) and other genera in the Hylocereeae.

The one illustrated here is blooming in our garden at the moment and is probably a Disocactus × jenkinsonii is a hybrid between Disocactus phyllanthoides and Disocactus speciosus. It is perhaps the most commonly grown orchid cactus and seems to survive and flower under most conditions. It has a very complex taxonomic history and has been mistaken for Disocactus ackermannii for a long time.

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