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Thursday, 25 June 2015


Perhaps no other orchid surpasses the Cattleya in popularity amongst orchid fanciers around the world. And it is the Cattleya which means "orchid" to the lay person, if they are asked to think about orchid types. It is the Cattleya which has been the mainspring of the orchid industry and it is the Cattleya which has done most to stimulate interest in orchid growing as a hobby.

Cattleya is a genus of 113 species of orchids from Costa Rica and the Lesser Antilles south to Argentina. The genus was named in 1824 by John Lindley after William Cattley who received and was the first to bloom a specimen of Cattleya labiata. William Swainson had discovered the new plant in Pernambuco, Brazil, in 1817 and shipped to the Glasgow Botanic Gardens for identification. Swainson requested that a few plants be later sent to Cattley, who was able to bloom one a full year before the plants in Glasgow.

These orchids are widely known for their large, showy flowers, and were used extensively in hybridisation for the cut-flower trade until the 1980s when pot plants became more popular. The flowers of the hybrids can vary in size from 5 cm to 15 cm or more. They occur in all colours except true blue and black. Many of these species and hybrids are very fragrant. The specimen below is a Cattleya mossiae hybrid and is fragrant.

The typical flower has three rather narrow sepals and three usually broader petals: two petals are similar to each other, and the third is the quite different conspicuous lip, featuring various markings and specks and an often frilly margin. At the base, the margins are folded into a tube. Each flower stalk originates from a pseudobulb. The number of flowers varies; it can be just one or two, or sometimes up to ten.

Join me for Floral Friday Fotos by linking your flower photos below, and please leave a comment once you have done so.
If you take part in the meme, please show an active link back to this site on your own blog post!

1. WATTLE  15. Mina fotostunder  29. ann 3  43. HoodPhoto OR-USA  
2. NARCISSUS  16. Hyde Xtra  30. Donna, Finland  44. bij jen  
3. CLIVIA  17. Rose Garden Malevik  31. Polianthus  45. la vita  
4. VIOLA  18. in the garden {winter}  32. Moni  46. Yellow and blue arrangement  
5. Aletta - Nowathome  19. Sara Chapman, Seattle USA  33. CORNFLOWER  47. Annie (bien tomber)  
6. BirgittaB  20. Sara Chapman #2  34. Pam - Hosta  48. RLUPhoto  
7. Tom The Backroads Traveller  21. Sara Chapman #3  35. Heidrun  49. orchid (Japan)  
8. Katarina - Sweden  22. Andrea, Pure Oxy Gen  36. PIPPA  50. HoodPhoto OR-USA  
9. Abrianna  23. Dekotraum - Austria  37. a spirit of simplicity  51. Aquariann's Zinnias  
10. Ingmarie We/Refugium  24. Lea's Menagerie  38. hapzydeco  52. veredit  
11. Jesh StG  25. Frauke { it's me! } | Germany  39. Zauberpalme  53. Käthe  
12. bij jen  26. photographing New Zealand  40. fabol  54. Zauberpalme  
13. Dekkotraum - Austria  27. JULIA [mammilade]  41. Dawn  55. Käthe  
14. Romi  28. ann 3  42. Anne Seltmann  56. WoollyMuses  

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Thursday, 18 June 2015


Chaenomeles japonica is a species of Japanese Quince in the Rosaceae family. It is a thorny deciduous shrub that is commonly cultivated. It is shorter than another commonly cultivated species C. speciosa, growing to only about 1 m in height. The fruit is called Kusa-boke (草木瓜) in Japanese. Chaenomeles japonica is also popularly grown in bonsai.

It is best known for its colourful spring flowers of red, white or pink. It produces apple-shaped fruit that are a golden-yellow colour containing red-brown seeds. The fruit is edible, but hard and astringent-tasting, unless bletted. The fruit is occasionally used in jelly and pie making as an inferior substitute for its cousin, the true quince, Cydonia oblonga.

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Thursday, 11 June 2015


Acacia iteaphylla (F.Muell. ex Benth.) occurs naturally in South Australia extending from the Flinders Ranges across to the Gawler Ranges and the Eyre Peninsula. Commonly called Willow-leaf Wattle, this shapely decorative shrub is hardy and fast growing and flowers intermittently throughout the year with a peak flowering period in spring. It is versatile in its habit growing to a height of 2-4 m with some forms becoming upright, whilst others are pendulous and bushy.

The slender phyllodes of A. iteaphylla are from 50 -100 mm long and are broadly linear with a small gland at the base. They are blue-green in colour and arranged alternately, almost at right angles to the stems. The perfumed flower heads are produced in clusters of pale yellow balls which contrast pleasingly with the foliage. The buds are attractively enclosed by conspicuous pale, brown-tipped bracts. The flowers are followed by masses of flattened blue-green seed pods which become brown when mature.

A low growing form of A. iteaphylla has been recognised. It differs from other known forms in having low arching, slightly pendulous branches and grows to 0.5 m high by 4 m across. This plant, which originated as a variant in a batch of seedlings, has been registered as the cultivar Acacia 'Parsons Cascade'. To retain its low spreading growth habit the cultivar should be propagated only from cuttings as it will not necessarily breed true from seed.

Acacia iteaphylla grows best in a well drained sunny position. It is moderately frost tolerant and moderately salt tolerant. It can be propagated from cuttings taken between February and April. Seed germinates readily but should be scarified or treated with boiling water before sowing. Light pruning throughout the development of the plant will keep it vigorous and encourage bushiness. An application of a complete fertiliser in spring and a slow release fertiliser in autumn is also recommended.

Pests noted on A. iteaphylla are the acacia bug, which rasps the leaf tissue causing brown lesions to appear on leaves and stems, and scale insects. Chemical control of acacia bug is difficult as the insect is usually no longer present when the damage is noticed. Affected parts of the plant should be pruned out. Scale insects may be controlled by chemical means but low toxicity products should be selected. Consult a local horticultural specialist for advice.

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Thursday, 4 June 2015


Banksia ser. Dryandra is a series of 94 species of shrub to small tree in the plant genus Banksia. It was considered a separate genus named Dryandra until early 2007, when it was merged into Banksia on the basis of extensive molecular and morphological evidence that Banksia was paraphyletic with respect to Dryandra.

They are found only in the southwestern corner of Western Australia. They have never been popular among gardeners among the rest of Australia due to the plants' dislike of the humid and subtropical conditions which dominate the east coast. Endemic to Western Australia, Dryandra occurs virtually throughout the South West Botanic Province, and also, to a much lesser degree, in southwest parts of the Eremaean Province.

The series was named in honour of Swedish botanist Jonas C. Dryander. They are arguably among the most attractive and showy of all members of Proteaceae. Banksia ser. Dryandra species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species, including the Dryandra Moth.

Join me for Floral Friday Fotos by linking your flower photos below, and please leave a comment once you have done so.
If you take part in the meme, please show an active link back to this site on your own blog post!

1. GLADIOLUS  15. Debbie at Travel with Intent  29. Sara Chapman #3  43. Eva  
2. HAKEA  16. Heidrun  30. Sara Chapman #4  44. This is good enough  
3. CORREA  17. Romi  31. Frauke { it's me! } | Germany  45. Cloudia Honolulu  
4. RED VALERIAN  18. Gunilla  32. Jutta K. Deutschland  46. Ingmarie We/Refugium  
5. Ela  19. Ulla Laiho  33. Synnöve  47. Annie (bien tomber)  
6. Abrianna  20. Julianne Victoria  34. Maribels Garden  48. Rose Garden Malevik  
7. Tom The Backroads Traveller  21. Andrea, Pure Oxy Gen  35. Zauberpalme  49. ann nz  
8. NatureFootstep Photo  22. orchid(Japan)  36. a spirit of simplicity  50. ann  
9. Julia [ mammilade ]  23. Mascha  37. Sidewalk Shoes  51. WATERLILIES  
10. Simfonia florilor  24. Anne Seltmann  38. Christa, USA  52. veredit  
11. Regina  25. lemapi, italy  39. bij jen  53. Zauberpalme  
12. Felix-traumland  26. kebo, Italy  40. Liz Needle  54. promocia (Sweden)  
13. Jesh StG  27. Sara Chapman, Seattle USA  41. hapzydeco  55. WoollyMuses  
14. Katarina - Sweden  28. Sara Chapman #2  42. Dawn  

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