The rules for posting are simple!

1. Every Friday post a photo that includes one or more flowers.
2. Please only post photos you have authority to use.
3. Include a link to this blog in your post -
4. Leave the link to your FloralFridayFoto post below on inlinkz.
5. Visit other blogs listed ... comment & enjoy!

When to Post:
inlinkz will be available every Thursday and will remain open until the next Wednesday.

Thursday, 30 April 2020


The blackberry is an edible fruit produced by many species in the Rubus genus in the Rosaceae family, hybrids among these species within the Rubus subgenus, and hybrids between the Rubus and Idaeobatus subgenera. The taxonomy of the blackberries has historically been confused because of hybridisation and apomixis, so that species have often been grouped together and called species aggregates. For example, the entire subgenus Rubus has been called the Rubus fruticosus aggregate, although the species R. fruticosus is considered a synonym of R. plicatus.

What distinguishes the blackberry from its raspberry relatives is whether or not the torus (receptacle or stem) 'picks-with' (i.e. stays with) the fruit. When picking a blackberry fruit, the torus does stay with the fruit. With a raspberry, the torus remains on the plant, leaving a hollow core in the raspberry fruit.

The beautiful metallic green beetle is a Chrysanthia spp., which is a genus of beetles belonging to the family Oedemeridae subfamily Nacerdinae. It could well be a C. viridissima. The common name of these is 'green false blister beetles'.

Join me for Floral Friday Fotos by linking your flower photos below, and please leave a comment once you have done so.
If you take part in the meme, please show an active link back to this site on your own blog post!


  1. Very informative and beautiful photo especially with the beetle capture. I believe I have those here...must look it up.

  2. Just checked it out...we have the black blister beetle here in Ontario, Canada.

  3. Rose is awarded as the most beautiful flower in the world.

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  4. Wow, this flower looks so much like the Dogwood flower (on tree) I have in my post for coming All Seasons! Love the beautiful simplicity in this flower:) Wishing you a pleasurable weekend, Jesh

  5. Interesting distinction.
