Thursday 5 December 2013


Commonly known as hellebores, members of the genus Helleborus comprise approximately 20 species of herbaceous or evergreen perennial flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae, within which it gave its name to the tribe of Helleboreae. Many species are poisonous. Despite names such as "Christmas rose" and "Lenten rose", hellebores are not closely related to the rose family (Rosaceae).

The genus is native to much of Europe, from western Great Britain, Spain and Portugal, eastward across the Mediterranean region and central Europe into Romania and Ukraine, and along the north coast of Turkey into the Caucasus. The greatest concentration of species occurs in the Balkans. One atypical species (H. thibetanus) comes from western China; another atypical species (H. vesicarius) inhabits a small area on the border between Turkey and Syria.

The flowers have five "petals" (actually sepals) surrounding a ring of small, cup-like nectaries (petals modified to hold nectar). The sepals do not fall as petals would, but remain on the plant, sometimes for many months. Recent research in Spain suggests that the persistence of the sepals contributes to the development of the seeds.

Join me for Floral Friday Fotos by linking your flower photos below, and please leave a comment once you have done so!


  1. Gorgeous! I will add to your comments that for gardeners these plants are favorites for shade and part shade gardens. They are a must in woodland gardens! These are the first flowers to bloom, ( some varieties will not on Christmas as we would like) but a bit later like March. The blooms are very long lasting the foliage is shiny dark green, tropical looking because of the large palmate leaves. Hellebore brings hope that spring is around the corner especially in the zones where winters are long and cold. New varieties are coming out every year. The double hellebore are the new big hit!

  2. Wow! What a beautiful flower!

  3. Interesting background on this beautiful flower. So very lovely.

  4. Hello,
    I've never seen such a pretty flower before. Thank's for sharring.
    Have a good time
    <a href=">Sunny's side of life</a>

  5. Hello,
    love your wonderful colored Christmas Rose ♥
    Wish you a nice weekend,

    Thanks if you visit my blog

  6. Beautiful - lovely flower and colour!
