Thursday 23 August 2012


Honey bees are a subset of bees in the genus Apis, primarily distinguished by the production and storage of honey and the construction of perennial, colonial nests out of wax. Honey bees are the only extant members of the tribe Apini, all in the genus Apis. Currently, there are only seven recognised species of honey bee with a total of 44 subspecies, though historically, anywhere from six to eleven species have been recognised. Honey bees represent only a small fraction of the approximately 20,000 known species of bees. Some other types of related bees produce and store honey, but only members of the genus Apis are true honey bees.

Most species have historically been cultured or at least exploited for honey and beeswax by humans indigenous to their native ranges. Only two of these species have been truly domesticated, one (Apis mellifera) at least since the time of the building of the Egyptian pyramids, and only that species has been moved extensively beyond its native range. Species of Apis are generalist floral visitors, and will pollinate a large variety of plants, but by no means all plants. Of all the honey bee species, only Apis mellifera has been used extensively for commercial pollination of crops and other plants. The value of these pollination services is commonly measured in the billions of dollars.

Join me for Floral Friday Fotos by linking your flower photos below, and please leave a comment once you have done so!


  1. Great picture!

    xoxo, Juliana

  2. Nick,
    this is a excellent picture and great information.

  3. That's a great shot! I have to admit I'm not all that knowledgeable about honeybees, so I found your information very interesting.

  4. The detail in this shot is amazing, Nick! Just beautiful!

  5. One of the best photos of the honey bee I've seen!!

  6. A stunningly clear pic, with just the right angle of the bee! I don't know how many bees'(wasps) nests hubby removed from the eve of the back patio. They kept coming back!

  7. Wundervolle Aufnahme,
    die Biene hast du sehr gut abgelichtet..
    Liebe Grüße, Karin

  8. this bee must have found some truly tasty nectar to be so still for you!

  9. What a truly great photo of the bee doing it's thing! :)

  10. Nice pic´s and I´m glad i found this blogg!
    Have a nice weekend.

  11. What a great photo of the honey bee. And excellent info too. They are so very important to all of us. I try to plant flowers in my garden that they will enjoy. Right now they are all over my lavender and Gaillardias.

  12. Awesome picture! Flora and fauna together:) Linking again today....have a blessed flowering day!

  13. a very sweet bee photograph Nix
